How To Increase Business Through Facebook

How To Increase Business Through Facebook

Facebook Marketing Strategies
With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, the social network is attractive to businesses across the globe. While some businesses just have a Facebook page for the sake of having one, you can learn how to get the most out of your Facebook business page by applying best practices..
1. Upload behind-the-scenes photos.
Imagine you are looking to hire a consultant. You clicked on an ad and land on the website. It all looks nice and well taken care of but the "about'' page and a photo of the consultant are nowhere to be found. If you don’t show behind-the-scenes photos or videos on your Facebook page, you are as anonymous as this consultant’s website. 
2. Upload videos and create playlists.
Videos that are uploaded to Facebook, and not embedded from YouTube, for instance, can be put into playlists. Show off how-to tutorials, new product features, instructions, a behind-the-scenes video series and more, all while showing up better on people’s timelines.
3. Test the call-to-action button on the page header.
Facebook pages can have a call-to-action button on the page header. If the button has been enabled by Facebook, you will see the button “Create Call to Action” on the bottom right of your Facebook page header. Split test what call to action results in the most sales, likes and page website visits. Typically “Watch Video,” “Shop Now,” and “Contact Us” are good choices to start with. 
4. Share exclusive offers.
Give people a reason to come back to your Facebook page timeline. Share giveaways and special offers that expire within 24 hours of posting. If you have already grown engagement on your page successfully, try sooner expiration times such as 60 minutes or have people vote a winner among submissions of fans (e.g. the best selfie with the product).
5. Run a contest.
One of the main reasons so many people spend so much time on Facebook is because it is entertaining. Publish a funny photo and run a caption contest to keep fans entertained and attract new people to your page. Contests do not necessarily need to result in vouchers or a financial reward such as discounts or freebies. 
6. Interact with other Facebook pages.
Comment as your page on other business pages and "like'' pages of your employees, companies near you if you have a physical location, businesses you are collaborating with or companies whose services or products you are using. Liked or tagged pages will often times return the favor and mention or like your page in return, which is free cross-promotion. Any pages you like with your own page can be displayed on the left hand side as vertical tab.
7. Celebrate milestones.
Let fans know what is happening with your page so they feel part of your community. Use Google Analytics and post updates what geographic region new fans are from. That increases chances that these fans feel addressed and click like or comment which then results in your post on their timelines. More each increases the chances to get more likes and in this case, you might get a like simply because someone it from the same town. 
8. Create a custom tab.
Custom tabs require some programming but are worth considering for any business focused on more than a very few customers. Integrate live chat, billing, policies, shipping information, your background story, subscriptions, signups for upcoming events, webinars and downloadable content such as eBooks or case studies.
9. Split test engagement strategies.
Start split testing strategically what kinds of posts boost engagement. If you have fewer than 10,000 likes or not much engagement on your page, start with a simple schedule and content type test. Post every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at a specific time of the day with specific kind of content, such as photos on Tuesday and Friday, long text on Thursday. After two to four weeks, switch one weekday out with another (e.g. Monday instead of Tuesday) and see what performs better.
10. Show other social media pages.
Facebook business pages are an effective way to showcase pages and profiles on other social media networks. Add Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and other tabs to your Facebook page to give potential customers and fans a holistic overview of your corporate culture and brand. Besides showing what you are all about, it is an opportunity to have a one stop destination for all social media activity.
11. Visualize for Your Fans
Humans are visual creatures. We process visual content 60,000 times faster than we do text. Visual content is very important to the engagement of your Facebook page. Posts with images receive 94% more engagement than those without.
If you’re looking for images to pair with your content, look no further than your own. From professionally taken product images to photos from company events, you probably have an inventory of photos to choose from. 
12.  Create a Call-to-Action
Use the Create Call-to-Action button to link Page visitors to your your website or specific pages on your website with
  • Book Now
·                 Contact Us
  • Use App
  • Play Game
  • Shop Now
  • Sign Up
  • Watch Video
 13. Plan Your Facebook Page Content

Once your Page is established or up-to-date, your next job is to plan your Facebook Page content. You want to strike a good balance between posting content that your target audience (customers) will like and find valuable along with a mix content that promotes your business. The general rule of thumb in social media is 80/20. This means that 80% of your content should be valuable content for your audience, and 20% should be self-promotional for your business.
Keep in mind that this rule isn’t applicable to every business. Here are a few examples of how it does or doesn’t apply.
·         Large Retailers: Macy’s, for example, can get away with having most of its posts focus on the latest product promotions because people follow the brand to be updated about new products, sales and discounts.

·         Local Businesses: A local veterinary clinic wouldn’t want to post three or four times a day about different services and procedures its clinic has to offer. Most of its posts should be information that pet owners would be interested in, like health tips for pets. A few posts throughout the week (depending on how often the post as a whole) could be geared towards promoting a special grooming or teeth-cleaning discount.

·         Agencies: An advertising agency wouldn’t want to post non-stop updates about the services offered to clients. Most of its posts should be focused on demonstrating that the agency is on top of the latest news and strategies in advertising. A few posts could then be focused on promoting services.


14. Utilize Facebook Groups

If you are a member of any Facebook Groups, you have likely noticed that they get a lot more organic reach in the News Feed than Pages do. To capitalize on this trend, you will want to join relevant Facebook Groups for your industry (i.e., the ones that your customers will be engaged in) and participate in discussions within them.
You can start by using the search box at the top of Facebook to find the best groups to join. Search for groups based on topic, location and other keywords that will help you find your target customers.

Facebook Commercial Ads:

Here you can promote your business page by giving ads in Facebook, and the budget will depend upon the area selection and days you want.
The screenshot of the example ad.

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